Hello from Kathmandu

Hello from Kathmandu where the full moon shone brightly over the Buddha stupa last night. Here’s a photo I took as we circumambulated the stupa 3 times, walking past prayer wheels & hundreds of individual candles. It reminded me of the Buddha’s quote:

“Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, And the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.” - Buddha



The last 10 days have been truly epic! I left a very hot & humid Goa to host a workshop in Ludhiana, in the North of India, which I’d never been to before. I stepped into a world of lavish locations, drivers, design & set dressing teams, cooks & assistants to create a very special workshop called ELEVATE, which definitely did what it said on the tin! We were all beaming with childlike joy by the end of the day. We released stresses, strains, outdated patterns & anything that was dimming our light, activating feel-good hormones, releasing stored-up energy & igniting our visions. I’m sharing my ELEVATE Chakra Shake playlist below, so scroll to the end if you want to experience some of the fun for yourself. Here’s a little video made by the wonderful Priya, from Trust in the Heart who had been trying to get me to Ludhiana for two years to host the event. A great reminder to never give up!




I then flew to Bhutan, the land of the thunder dragon & the only country in the world that measures its success on gross national happiness over anything else. I had the most exquisite week with my mum where we explored ancient temples, meditated & got blessings from monks (my favourite one being with a large, bronze penis in the temple of the divine madman). It was as bizarre & wonderful as it sounds. We stayed on a farm, learnt how to make butter & cheese, had picnics by glacier-fed rivers, hiked to stunning stupors (shrines), rode on ponies, turned a lot of prayer wheels & ate an abundance of cheese.  Ema Datshi (chillis & cheese) is the national dish of Bhutan & cheese is featured at pretty much every meal, which I had no complaints about. Although, I now do feel like a little lump of cheese myself, so my friend Vanessa, who is an Ayurvedic practitioner (who some of you will know from my retreats) has now got me on a bit of an Ayurvedic cleanse to give my system a Spring clean.


I’ll be in Nepal for a few weeks with Vanessa, exploring temples & going on a special pilgrimage, until I head back to Delhi to host a couple of special events there (more on that later!) I’ll also be hosting a special Chakra Shake session online for a very special, JOY seeker. Details to follow, but keep an eye on my Instagram for more details.

It’s been just over two months since I started a very powerful, six-month Goddess Sadhana. Each day connecting to the luminosity of the Goddess & tuning into universal Goddess consciousness so that she becomes me & I become her. I’ll do a newsletter soon about my experiences in the Himalayas with my teacher & guru as the ancient knowledge & practices shared were incredible. The changes within me & thus the changes around me since starting this journey have been deeply, deeply humbling. I can literally feel myself glowing from the inside out & magnetising the perfect people, places & things to me. With this in mind, it made total sense, to add another week to our sold out RADIANCE & GLOW RETREAT on the magical island of Paros, Greece. This is a week to activate that inner luminosity within, to tap into reserves of energy that are often tied up in the daily stresses of everyday life & hampered by outdated patterns & behaviours.


Through my unique method which includes a powerful combination of Kundalini Yoga, Breathwork, Chakra Shaking, Meditation & Sound Healing you’ll connect back to your radiance, your glow, your spirit & your life-force energy. If you’re feeling a little wiped out, overstretched, or in a cycle of unhelpful behaviours, or if you are simply ready to start magnetising the life you truly desire to you, then this is the retreat for you. I’ve got a very special early bird discount running into the 31st May if you want to save some money & everyone who books will get a free 1-1 manifestation coaching session before the retreat, so we can set some powerful intentions together & start the ball rolling.

As we were creating the beautiful flower & crystal mandala for our opening breathwork session in Ludhiana, I just kept thinking how lucky I am that this is the life I have created for myself & that I continue to co-create. I love meeting new people, entering into different worlds, exploring new places & spreading the joy & knowledge that have helped me & continue to support me to live the life I truly desire. To be of service & help others to start to live a life less ordinary (however that looks for you) is a dream come true! Thank you for being here and thank you for being a part of this journey. The “Rebels” is a community of like-minded souls on a mission to live a life less ordinary & I’m very glad you’re a part of it. 

With love,
Maree xxx

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