Anoushka Florence photographed at home in Maida Vale by Lily Bertrand-Webb, wearing our Cosmic Goddess
“The word Goddess captures the divinity that’s within us,” says Anoushka Florence, our Goddess of the Month, while sitting in a beautiful bamboo chair, the rain pouring and the wind blowing outside her window in Maida Vale, London.
“As women, if we can connect and tap into the divine, which in the past few hundred years we’ve been left out of in religion and patriarchy, if we can remember the divinity that is within us then we can make choices to step further towards Her in every moment. The word Goddess is how we can remember and embody that power.” - Anoushka Florence
In 2015 while working for a creative events company in her mid twenties, Anoushka gave birth to The Goddess Space. Seeking to create beautiful sacred spaces to support, hold, and empower women; she began hosting small women's circles in her living room. Her work is based on ancient spiritual feminine practices that are grounded in the belief and knowing that the power to heal, to manifest and live the life we dream to live comes from within. 
Anoushka has a sacred space where she performs rituals. Here she is blessing the Goddess Charms and setting intentions using fire (candlelight). Following image is Anoushka writing notes in her journal, sealing her intentions to the page'; Anoushka in one of her dreamy dresses, made by her mother Sera. A resting place for Shakti when she is not being worn.
“A Goddess is the highest aspect of the feminine, it is a Woman who knows the divinity within her, and the power that the divinity holds. There are many aspects to The Goddess, many different parts make up the whole. So to embody that is to understand your true nature, and to allow that nature to be seen, felt and heard. ” - Anoushka Florence
As a child, Anoushka says she was aware that she was not alone. “My imagination was a field of dreams that was a magical place to be.” But the older she got, the more separate she began to feel from the world. “I would find it so hard to sleep,” she recalls. “My big fear was I was the only one awake and that everyone else was sleeping. No one could see how I could see, or feel what I could feel. As a child that wasn’t frightening, but as I got older it became a scary idea, so I began to bury those ideas.”
After growing up in a religious family, at thirteen Anoushka rejected the Judaism she had grown up in. “As a result, I drifted until I was about 21. I was lost. Numbed from life, partying, finding anything I could to suppress feelings, but also having no one, or nothing, really to help guide me.”
Anoushka’s home is a beautiful space. Here’s a shelfie with memorabilia from her wedding that took place earlier this year in a forest, surrounded by friends and family.
At around 21, while in a toxic relationship, a little voice came back. It was a magickal voice that dropped into her head saying “you shouldn’t be with this guy. But I ignored it.”
After a strong calling to climb a mountain, Anoushka went to Africa, pursued by the boyfriend she was no longer in love with. “As we climbed the mountain, every time I turned around he was always two steps behind me. On new years day, after long hours of climbing, we reached the top. The sun was rising and I witnessed the darkness become the light. I knew what I needed to do with my life. We returned home to London, I quit my job, ended my relationship, and knew I had to start again. It took me into a very deep depression and awakening. I had to get rid of everything to feel again. Everyone thought it was because of this guy, but it was everything I had ever suppressed in my life coming up to say hi. It started coming up and I didn’t know how to hold it. I hibernated in the basement of my dad’s house and was looking for new paths. I went to acting school and my teacher said ‘before you dare to take on any other character, you have to work out who the hell you are’. Everything I did was another initiation.”
After acting school, on a whim Anoushka travelled to Arizona, and spent time with a shaman. Her return to London meant a new job working for a creative events company. While searching for an astrologist to host workshops for her job, Anoushka found a number. She called it and the wind was blowing so hard, she had to call back three times just to have the conversation.
“When I finally could hear this woman I didn’t know, she said to me when the wind blows it means that witches are meeting. At that point I knew what I had to do.”
Anoushka, in her cave, or rather her sacred dream room, dreaming while looking dreamy…
Anoushka went to visit the stranger in what she describes as a witch’s cave, in Hampstead. Surrounded by astrology books, dusty tarot and the aroma of burning sage, Anoushka started talking about everything and anything. “I was under her spell. I went to see her every Monday and she started teaching me everything. I became her apprentice and we started to create gatherings together.” The first goddess gathering was hosted in Anoushka’s living room, and they started selling out. “We would hold space together, and a year and a half later it was one of the best sellers on the event space where I was working at the time. So I left my job and this became my path and I have never looked back.”
Setting and sealing intentions to your Goddess Charm is a great way to connect to your higher self, and commune with the universe through the physical manifestations of powerful deities featured on each Charm
Anoushka’s story is a reminder of how important it is to give ourselves permission to follow our own path, no matter how rocky it may be, because it will lead you to the right place.
Scroll down for our cosmic Q&A with Anoushka:
Anoushka with our co-founder Jenny Dyson
What is your star sign?
How do you describe yourself?
A Sensitive Wild Flower
Who are the Goddesses you look up to and why?
I connect to different Goddess energy at different times. I'm currently working with the energy of Yemaya. To me she represents the power to surrender, to trust to offer our problems to something higher and to see how they alchemise in that space of grace.
What is the mark of a true Goddess?
A Goddess is the highest aspect of the feminine, it is a Woman who knows the divinity within her, and the power that the divinity holds. There are many aspects to The Goddess, many different parts make up the whole. So to embody that is to understand your true nature, and to allow that nature to be seen, felt and heard.
Do you believe in magic?
Ohhhhh yes. But Magik with a K, that’s the real magik, that is alive and around us at all times waiting for us to pay attention.
What rituals do you have in your life?
My morning ritual is my most important. It includes moving my body, drinking tea, taking my dog for a walk. It sets me up for the day, and allows me to welcome the day fully in my spirit. If I don't honour this ritual it easily throws me off my day.
I then call in other rituals as and when I need them to support my wellbeing, including burning things, cleansing my aura by smudging, planting things I wish to manifest.
Which is your favourite GC Goddess and why?
I am wearing the Cosmic Goddess. Wearing her reminds of the divine power within me, and I call on that energy any time I need reminding.
What advice do you have for human beings on how to live their best life?
Get to know who you are and fall in love with yourself, as everything stems from that sweet space.
What is the book that changed your life?
Women who run with wolves, by Clarissa Pinkola Estés
If your life was a song, what would it be?
Into the Mystic - Van Morrisson
Who and where are your top five go tos for spiritual nourishment, amusement and inspiration?
Hampstead Heath, Poetry books, Yoga, Women's Circles, Tara Brach.
How much time do you spend on your phone every day?
Oh too much, that’s for sure, I reckon around 3/4 hours a day. But Instagram is the only channel I work through. It’s how I spread my message and as a result the Goddess community is ever growing. It’s a creative space for me, but it’s also my admin.
Who is on your favourites list in your phone?
My husband and my Mum
Where will you be in ten minutes, ten days and ten years from now?
I have no idea, and that in itself is the beauty.
What are your greatest strengths?
My sensitivity
What is your biggest weakness?
Taking on too much emotion
What mantras do you love?
It's all happening for you not to you,
Treat everyone you meet like God in drag
What’s your favourite colour?
Do you have a nickname?
Nush or Nushy ( to my family )
Have you ever had a spiritual encounter?
I believe every encounter we have is a spiritual encounter, we just need to get out of our own way to find the spirit within everything we do and is done to us.
Follow Anoushka on @thegoddessspace
We will be co hosting a goddess gathering with Anoushka in the new year at Anthropologie. If you would like to find our more please email us: hello@goddesscharms.co.uk